Sore Throat Swollen Tonsil

Спрашивает: Art
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 26 лет
Хронические заболевания: не указаны
Hello, I hope you're doing well today.

I've had this problem for over a year. It started as a sore throat which I thought was tonsillitis but it's never got any better. I get it all the time, always red and sore. Sometimes it gets worse and then eases again but remains sore and red - never gets any better, even a year later. I've now noticed my left tonsil (pictured) is red, with white on it and swollen. I'm now worried it's cancer as it's been going on so long and this seems to be getting bigger slowly. Other symptoms aside the sore throat is neck pain, left side. Headaches. Dry cough. And I get frequent tongue ulcers though they do go eventually.

I'm worried it might be something serious. I've tried antibiotics and over the counter medicine but nothing seems to help this. Please help.
Категория: Лор
Добавлен: 22 июля 2023 года

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