Dating Russian Women
Спрашивает: SF
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 32 года
Хронические заболевания: не указаны
Dear Sir,
I'm wondering if it's worth the time and effort to start dating a Russian woman considering that I am an American speaker residing in Cincinnati, Ohio and would like to meet a single Russian woman who would be willing to relocate to my first country after we tie the knot.
The reason why I am asking is because I was dating a Russian woman for a while but then all of a sudden she said that our president was an a**hole which was not only highly inappropriate but also very rude on her part. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the Russian President either but I tried to avoid the subject of politics as much as I could.
So I decided that I was not ready to tolerate such horrible manners ever again. If all Russian women are so strongly biased against my country's leader, then I'd better stay away from dating them in the future.
Any advice or suggestion would be highly appreciated.
I'm wondering if it's worth the time and effort to start dating a Russian woman considering that I am an American speaker residing in Cincinnati, Ohio and would like to meet a single Russian woman who would be willing to relocate to my first country after we tie the knot.
The reason why I am asking is because I was dating a Russian woman for a while but then all of a sudden she said that our president was an a**hole which was not only highly inappropriate but also very rude on her part. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the Russian President either but I tried to avoid the subject of politics as much as I could.
So I decided that I was not ready to tolerate such horrible manners ever again. If all Russian women are so strongly biased against my country's leader, then I'd better stay away from dating them in the future.
Any advice or suggestion would be highly appreciated.
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3 ответа
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Dear sir!
No, not all women in Russia are interested in politics in such detail.
Probably, when building a relationship, you should stipulate in advance the topics that should be avoided, so as not to spoil your relationship. The topics of political preferences are worth mentioning separately.
No, not all women in Russia are interested in politics in such detail.
Probably, when building a relationship, you should stipulate in advance the topics that should be avoided, so as not to spoil your relationship. The topics of political preferences are worth mentioning separately.
Платная консультация
SF 2022-01-11 17:59
Thanks a whole lot for your prompt reply, Mr. Sobol.
If I ever get a chance to meet a Russian woman who meets all of my requirements I'll probably give it another shot.
If I ever get a chance to meet a Russian woman who meets all of my requirements I'll probably give it another shot.