Is this likely cancer?

Спрашивает: Andrew
Пол: Мужской
Возраст: 37 лет
Хронические заболевания: I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and have had COVID twice, GERD and used to be obese.
I am having itching, burning, pins and needles, pain and numbness in the limbs. The numbness is just in toes and fingertips. I have fatigue, brain fog that clears with probiotics, and my legs sometimes feel heavy. I have earaches and sore throat. I tested negative to HIV, Hepatitis A through C and Lyme disease. I also have a negative STI blood panel. My complete blood counts are normal. Only the back pain on the spine increases with pressure. My vitals are normal, stool is normal and my urine is normal. I have reccuring yeast infections that started as blantitis dyseuria that occurred weeks after hives. I saw a chiropractor who found pinched nerves. This thing on my skin I just found. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Post COVID viral syndrome is suspected by my doctor. Do these syndrome or the lump look a lot like cancer?
Категория: Терапевт
Добавлен: 27 мая 2022 года

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