Please tell me what disease I have
Спрашивает: Nongnuch
Пол: Женский
Возраст: 34 года
Хронические заболевания: I had swelling on my little finger at first, after 1 week it spread to my ring finger, after 2 weeks it spread to my middle finger and sometimes the joints are swollen, red and itchy. When I wake up in the morning it hurts a lot. I went to the doctor and took antiviral and antibiotics but it didn't get better. Now the tip of my finger is starting to hurt.
I had swelling on my little finger at first, after 1 week it spread to my ring finger, after 2 weeks it spread to my middle finger and sometimes the joints are swollen, red and itchy. When I wake up in the morning it hurts a lot. I went to the doctor and took antiviral and antibiotics but it didn't get better. Now the tip of my finger is starting to hurt.
Категория: Дерматолог
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